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I can't believe that what I feel is really happening to me Commercials can be banned from the SuperBowl for being too risqué. This website shows one of PETA's commercials that is not allowed to be played at anytime during the SuperBowl next weekend. Personally, I think the commercial is rather amusing, although a little extreme. It does prove a good point though: milk isn't just all about the udders, there are actual animals attached to them and we need to respect them. The exposé that immediately follows the commercial is disturbing and not for the faint of heart, weak of stomach, or lover of animals. I couldn't watch all of it. I had to stop once the video showed the horrible death of a cow by the slicing of its neck. I am not ashamed to say that I sat at my computer sobbing because of the sight of this animal cruelty. I am also not ashamed to say that I am still crying. How can humans do this to animals simply because we seem to think that we are better than them? It's terrible. While I can't say that I approve of everything that PETA does, I am glad that they exist along with other groups who are looking out for those who cannot speak in voices that can be understood. Animal Rights: Fight For Those Who Cannot Fight! PETA's ad: Milk Gone Wild JeN's mind ejaculated @ 12:13 p.m. | | |
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